Adora's First Ever Interactive Doll, Cuddle and Coo! -

Introducing Adora's first ever interactive doll, Cuddle and Coo!

Introducing Adora's first ever interactive doll, Cuddle and Coo!

Summer is out, so supply your little parents in training with our adorable interactive baby doll, Cuddle and Coo. A new Adora doll, this sweet baby doll encourages children to be interactive, attentive and full of nurturing role play. Squeeze her small little hand and she will be crying waiting for your child’s warm touch and comfort. With a simple pat on the head she will begin to Coo. Cuddling her will not only let her know she’s loved, she will instantly stop crying. But that’s not all, tickle her tummy and you will have her giggling in no time. Give her a warm gentle kiss on her soft freckled cheek and she will kiss you back.


cuddle and coo sweet dreams

My Cuddle & Coo baby doll is perfect for ages +3 and up with her soft body and light weight design. She has removable clothing which allows for fun dress up days and perfect for weather appropriate attire. As if her 5 touch activated features weren't enough, bring her close to you and enjoy that lifelike baby powder smell. Her soft silky hair is perfectly brushed into two adorable pony tails and cute little front bangs. Just like a baby, lay her down and she closes her eyes letting you know she’s ready for a nap. On and off switch located in the back to give your little parent in training a break from parenting duties.

My Cuddle & Coo is surely the perfect blend of love and sweetness. She will have your heart melting when you see the joy in your child’s eyes as she calls them Momma for the first time.

So what are you waiting for? Bring home your own Cuddle and Coo baby today!

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